FDOC!!! (kind of)
So here I am! I'm in freaking Alaska! By myself! The campus is nice, I was able to do some mild exploring while we were here in Anchorage. Unfortunately, all of my classes are at least a 10 minute walk away but I gotta get my steps somehow, right? An already interesting thing I discovered is the amount of times bears and moose are spotted on campus. I spoke to a police officer who said they recieve about 3-4 calls a day regarding wildlife, so maybe I'll be posting some pictures of moose walking across campus sometime (once I figure out how to post pictures on here).
Moving in was relatively easy, since I didn't bring a lot of stuff with me, unfortunately the day itself did not go as planned. I was supposed to wake up and run a half-marathon with my mom, as part of the Achorage RunFest. We had been training all summer and it would have been my first half-marathon (her 16th). Just my luck though, I came down with a cold the previous day and could not run it. Then when it came time to move in, I was exhausted just carrying two bags up to the door. But we got it all done and I took a massive nap afterwards.
Now today is the first day of classes! I am supposed to be going to my first and only class today, but here comes the second road block. The university requires that you have a negative COVID test before you are allowed to go to classes. Even though I was tested on Friday morning, and told it would only take 24-48 hours, I still have not gotten my results. Which means I have to miss the first class of the semester. I have contacted the testing location to see if they might've lost it and I have to take the campus-provided test today, so hopfully I get some results in the next few days.
All-in-all a pretty rocky start to the semester but hopefully everything will work out!
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