WEEK 9!!!

    Now is the point in the semester where the weeks are going by really fast. I feel like I'm doing these posts way to often now. It's not ok, I only have about month and a half left here. This week was a tough one. I have had a criminal justice midterm, a biology exam, and I have to finalize the classes I'm going to take next semester by November 1st. I'm experiencing the typical mid-semester procrastination. 
    Not much happened this week apart from class work. But the weekend has been much more eventful. I went to see Dune on Friday. I had some complaints but I tend to be overly critical of movies sometimes. I thought it was well done but admitedly I was confused about 90% of the time. I'm also going to go to the Humane Society today for the first time today. I'm sure I'll have an update for next weeks blog (maybe with some pictures of some cute animals). I think they only have cats, but that's ok I guess cats need homes too, right?
    Daylight hours are noticably shorter now, I can tell a difference week-to-week. It'll be dark at 8:00 in the morning when I'm waiting for the bus to go to my yoga class and it'll be dark when I go to get dinner at around 6:30-7:00 at night. 
    I think my win for this week would just be it being over. Although I guess if I had to pick one, it would be seeing Dune. I always love movie nights. I also got all my ski gear in the mail this week. It was too bulky to fit in my suitcase, so my parents had to ship it to me. I think my goal for next week is to have a solid ski trip plan. Hopefully I'll have a more interesting blog for you next week. 


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