Week 12!!!

 And once again, unsurprisingly, I'm blogging on Sunday because I forgot to yesterday. It's been a very eventful week. We got a really good snow day, which is still sticking around because its so cold. It was 7 degrees when I went to grab my dinner tonight. Of course I was expecting the cold, but it's currently 50 back home (in the middle of the night). I can't remember if it ever got in the single digits there.

I've made a lot of progress planning the trips I wanted to take. I'll have to fit everything into December though because prices for transportation are high around thanksgiving. So, I'll have some good few blogs the last weeks before I leave which is in less than a month now (no way!). I'll also have gotten most of my studying for finals done by then too so I'll get to celebrate after the last few stressful weeks of the semester. 

I have a lot to look forward to next week (the last week before thankgiving break). I'm going to have a friendsgiving with some pals, which is great.

My time here is really starting to wind down and I'm stuck between doing everything I want to do before I leave and missing home (shhh don't tell my parents).

My win for this week was definitely the snow day and my goal for next week is to be productive so I can enjoy my thanksgiving break. 


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